What to expect when playing paintball for the first time

Prepare yourself before going to the paintball field
The first time you go to a paintball field you really have no idea what to expect. What should you wear? Do you need an appointment? How does the game work? These are all common questions for new paintball players.
While each paintball field is a little different, there are some similarities you can expect. With a little knowledge before you leave for your first game, you can fully enjoy the experience.
Before Game Day
Paintball isn’t always as easy as waking up on a Saturday morning and deciding you want to play that day. Most often, it is necessary to schedule it in advance.
The first thing you need to do is figure out if you need to make an appointment to play.
- Many camps have scheduled times that you can walk and be grouped.
- Some require you to make an appointment or come with a group.
Give your local camp a call and ask about their policies. If you don’t have a group of your own, be sure to ask them about groups you can join.
What to dress
Depending on the court you play on, your attire may change. Many novice players feel more comfortable wearing jeans and a sweatshirt.
- Jeans are generally suitable for most courts.
- The sweatshirt helps calm many new players’ fears of getting hit with a paintball.
Whatever you’re wearing, make sure they’re clothes you don’t care too much about. Most paintball filling won’t stain clothing, but that’s not always the case. It’s best to wear something you wouldn’t mind having a permanent paintball mark.
Registration at the camp
The first thing you need to do when you arrive on the field is register. Generally, this consists of going to the reception and paying the entrance fee, renting equipment and buying paintballs.
Additionally, you will need to fill out a waiver. Exemptions are forms where you agree that paintball has certain risks and that you, as a player, are aware of those risks and still agree to play.
- Players under the age of 18 should normally ask their parent or legal guardian to complete the waiver.
It is also common at this point to receive purchased paintballs.
- A paintballs case holds 2000 rounds and the bags typically hold 500 rounds.
- Fields often sell paintballs by the bag of 500 or by chance, but sometimes they also sell them in smaller quantities.
Get your equipment
Once registered, you will be directed to the equipment station. It is often a long desk in front of shelves of equipment.
You will be provided with the equipment you have rented and have a brief overview of how the equipment works. Make sure you ask any questions if you don’t understand something.
Typically you will receive:
- Paintball Pistol
- Hopper
- Compressed air or CO2 tank
- Mask
- Barrel cap or barrel lid
Safety information
Before playing your first game, the field will give you an overview of the safety rules. Some fields provide this with a short video while most will provide a verbal overview from one of the field managers or referees.
It is very important that everyone pays attention to this briefing. Paintball is a relatively safe sport, but it involves shooting other players so there is some risk.
Above all, you must keep the mask always active in the field. The most serious injuries in paintball come from players accidentally getting hit in the eye.
Let the game begin
The paintball game will begin with the referees assigning the teams and explaining the rules of the specific game you will play.
- Teams can be split with bracelets or simply placed at opposite ends of the court.
- Once the goal of the game has been established and the teams are in position, the referee will shout “Game On!” Or he will whistle and the game will begin.
- During the game, players will try to get the goal that was set while attempting to take out the other team.
- If the players are hit with a paintball and the paintball breaks, they are eliminated. At this point, they are called.
What happens if you are eliminated
A player who has been eliminated by hitting with a paintball must go to the “dead zone”.
- This area can vary depending on the field but is often protected by a protective net.
- Eliminated players will go to the dead area, but they must be sure to keep their mask active at all times.
After the match
Once the game is over, all players must put their barrel cover or barrel cap back on their pistol. When the players have left the field, they can remove their mask.
- Following each match, there is typically a short rest period before another match begins.
- Players can generally play as many games as they want until the field closes or until the paintballs run out.
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