Top Ten Paintball Tips and Tricks

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Top Ten Paintball Tips and Tricks

17/04/2021 Paintball Games 0
Confividi club the bears

There are many tips that can improve your paintball game that doesn’t require huge amounts of money or new equipment. Any of these ten tips can be used to improve your game at no extra cost to what you’ve already spent.


The key to paintball
Marius Hepp / EyeEm / Getty Images

The key to paintball is movement and there is no better paintball tip than learning to move. You should learn to move, learn to move and always move. paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks, paintball tricks,

Get good paint per barrel match

A good paint
Joy Sale / Getty Images

You have to buy paintball to play, so you might as well get paint that fits. If your paint is round and fits your barrel perfectly, your accuracy will improve dramatically.


Walk on the field

Walk on the field
Westend61 / Getty Images

A trip around the field can pay huge dividends as you learn the angles and know the locations of the best cover.


Get fit

Get fit
Marius Hepp / EyeEm / Getty Images

paintball day   is a lot more fun, and you can focus on your game if you’re not constantly in awe. Get in good enough shape so that your main concern while playing is not whether your body can handle the next game.


Know what your equipment and equipment are capable of

Your equipment
Peter Muller / Getty Images

If you know you can’t shoot well when running, save it for practice and don’t try it in a match. If you know you can’t win a high-speed shootout, don’t try it. If you know your gun isn’t accurate beyond 60 feet, save the paint. When you know what your limits are, you won’t get into trouble nearly as often. You should always work to improve, but a great game is not the right time.


Don’t be the hero

Paintball players have a tendency to want to be the star of the show and this often gets them into trouble. If you want occasional individual glory, feel free to try each game to win on your own. But if you really want to win regularly, focus on teamwork and strategy.

Plan, plan, plan

To plan
Peter Muller / Getty Images

A good team strategy will almost always win against higher firepower and higher numbers. Make sure you all work together and then move together and you will be able to crush the competition.

Practice alone

Practice alone
Arsenio Marrero / Getty Images

Upgrade your game in your spare time so you can get on the court and perform. If you excel at playing defense, practice offense so that when your team needs you in a game you are ready to help.

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Peter Muller / Getty Images

The more you communicate, the better you will do. Good communication will help you keep track of where opposing players are on the pitch and will help you coordinate attacks. Whether you shout or use the radios, good team communication will greatly improve your game.

Aim before firing

Aim before firing
GoodLifeStudio / Getty Images

One trap that many paintball players fall into is to shoot first and aim later. While it’s easy to fire off a lot of paint and get your shot into target, after the first shot your opponent knows he’s moving and you have a much smaller chance of getting a kill.

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Confividi club the bears