Paintball Tips and Strategy: How to Win at Paintball

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Paintball Tips and Strategy: How to Win at Paintball

17/04/2021 Party 0
Paintball game

For Dominick Schwartz, the paintball field is a second home. Schwartz grew up among the makeshift fortresses and bunkers of Paintball USA, the SoCal paintball company run by his parents, Mike and April. Later, he joined the army and completed tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

We asked Schwartz if some of the military strategies he learned in the military translate into the less pathetic world of paintball. If you’ve bought a paintball contract and want to win your next round, check out five of his favorite paintball tips below.

1. Leapfrogging

The Move: You  fire as a teammate unexpectedly advances forward. Keep doing this, and occasionally changing roles, until you have advanced to the desired position.

Why it  works  : Schwartz says “you will rarely shoot yourself in front of you. You are indicted with the boy on the other side of the field… so no one can run on him and no one can run on you. “But you need to break this stalemate and advance on your opponent, so Schwartz recommends leapfrogging, one of his best paintball tips, which is modeled on a military technique known as” buddy livefire. “

2. Flanking

The Move  :  This paintball strategy is simple – most of your team pushes forward as a smaller secret force sneaks in to hit the enemy from behind.

Why it  works:  Flanking gives you the ability to stay behind your opponents without them noticing. “They don’t even see it coming,” Schwartz says with a hint of glee.

3. Divide and conquer

The move:  First, divide the left and right sides of your team evenly, saving two players in the middle. “Just hammer the left and right sides and keep the center,” advises Schwartz. So when some of your opponent’s forces have shifted to the left or right, “draw everyone to the center and run in that direction.” Gulp  .

Why it works:  If you think you are in danger of being outflanked by an opponent, this is one of the best ways to counterattack.

4. Play the moves

The move:  When you get hit by a typical paintball match, you have to call “dead man walking” and get out of the field. Schwartz uses this to his advantage. “You can get up at any time in a tournament and pretend you’re dead,” he explains. “You can’t actually say that, because then it’s a penalty, but  you can  just stand up and pretend to walk off the pitch as if you were dead and then start shooting people.”

Why it works:  This simple trick is designed to lull the enemy into a false sense of security. And as long as it’s not explicitly against paintball rules, then it’s totally legal. Whatever works, right?

5. Step by step strategy

The Move:  To use this paintball strategy, all you have to do is give up your hopes of survival and escape into enemy territory, guns on fire.

Why it works:  The theory is, “It’s okay if I get shot as long as I take someone with me,” says Schwartz. Both teams could be shot down by one player, but being the aggressor, you might even bring a few more enemies with you.

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