Airsoft vs paintball main differences

Gioca nel campo Paintball più forte della Valcuvia. Pantball kids, Poligono da 1000mq, Softair da 8000mq

Airsoft vs paintball main differences

17/04/2021 Paintball Games 0
Scenari di gioco molto diversi

In France,  paintball  is much better known than  airsoft  ! Furthermore, these two games are sometimes confusing: while if we study the rules of the game and the equipment, we quickly realize that they don’t have much in common! Find out the differences between these two sports:

The big difference: the replica!

In airsoft,  replication is very important  – it’s at the heart of the game! Indeed, it must above all be realistic! We should also know that some people collect the most beautiful replicas: they are often passionate about history! On the other hand, at the moment, the weapons used in paintball are rather crude and do not render absolutely realism.

Paintball Players On One Side Airsoft Players On The Othere

Of course, paintball, it is  paintballs  and not  plastic beads  that are used: a player is eliminated if a ball touches and forms a smudge on his uniform.

Very different game scenarios

The great strength of airsoft is the freedom this activity offers! In fact, the  richness of the different  scenarios  means that you rarely get bored during a part of airsoft! In paintball, we must admit that the game is more limited, even if it can be a lot of fun: often the scenario consists of the clash between two teams.

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